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Matthew W. Wright


Professional Education:

General Motors Institute , M.E - Cognate: Chassis & Engine Design

Lean Manufacturing  Practitioner – Goodrich Aero-structures, Chula Vista, CA - 2008

Bob Bondurant Driving School (SCCA Licensed) - 2001

Professional Experience:

2011–2014:   Ricardo, Inc.    Chief Engineer, Detroit, Mi

2007-2011:   Independent     Engineering Consultant, Ca

2005-2007:   Saleen Inc.      Production Manager, Irvine, Ca

2000-2005:   Saleen Inc.      Lead Engineer Saleen S7 TT , Irvine, Ca

Select Professional Activities:

Lead powertrain engineer for amphibious tracked vehicle, including engine, cool pack, fuel systems, and transmission interface

Powertrain lead engineer for medium volume series hybrid road vehicle

Production responsible for ALMS & FIA Competition S7 Race Cars (’06-’07, approx. 8 x cars, including LeMans winning Saleen S7, GTS Class 2010)

Production responsible for Saleen S7 Twin Turbo Street Cars (approx. 40 x cars)

Design responsible, Composite Bodywork, layup schedule & tooling Saleen S7 & S7R

Design responsible: S7 Composite Chassis (Chromoly, Aluminum, Nomexetc)

Production responsible for Parnelli Jones 5.0L Saleen Mustangs (‘06-’07, 500 x cars)

Engineering Consultant: Arciero -Miller Nitto Tire Development program

Pit Captain - 2004 Baja 1000 & 500 Champions, Arciero – Miller Trophy Truck Class

Developed Saleen 7.0L Twin Turbo 750 CARB Certified Street Car Engine

Design responsible for twin screw positive displacement supercharger, 3L